The whole goal of EvangeLead is to help other churches be as effective as the other churches we’ve coach in the areas of outreach and leadership. Our Founder, Roger Walter, has been able to show that effective ministry happens when a church decides it wants to reach the community with the gospel. And when that… Read More »
Where Does Your Donation Go?
Why should I give to EvangeLead? And what happens to the money after I give it? Great question, glad you asked! Our goal is to give away as much money as we can AFTER a church/pastor have gone through our coaching process to make sure they are doing it right. We have the track record… Read More »
Why Coaching?
Why does EvangeLead offer coaching? Great question! Coaching Defined: verb [with object] train or instruct (a team or player): he has coached the Edmeston Panthers for six years. • give (someone) extra or private teaching: he was coached to speak more slowly and curb his hand gestures. • teach (a subject or sport) as a… Read More »
How to Proclaim!
How do you get a church read to do a seminar to proclaim the 3 Angel’s Messages of Revelation 14. This is a message that is pretty unique to Adventist theology. I see 4 steps to getting there. These ideas originally came from my book, Evangelism Intelligence: Why Adventist Churches Grow Differently, but they have… Read More »
Oregon Baptismal Numbers
When I was the reach Director for the Oregon Conference, I ran the numbers for measuring growth that we had. Unfortunately, all they had ever kept track of was number of baptisms. I realize that isn’t the best measurement, but it is a measurement still. So, I did an analysis of the numbers that I… Read More »
The Science of Evangelism: How to Use Cognitive Dissonance to Encourage Change in Belief and Behavior
This article (and video) was written by Larry Witzel, President and Owner of SermonView and Evangelism Marketing. You will definitely want to click on the link and read the whole article: “Today, I’m going to dive into the psychology of Adventist evangelism. Specifically, I’m going to share some of the research about cognitive dissonance that… Read More »
Doing vs. Designing
As a leader, our primary task is not to be the chief “doer,” but rather to be the “designer” for the doers. This is hard for most people to grasp. We were trained to be the doers. In seminary, I was trained to give Bible studies, to preach, to make decisions, to lead youth… Read More »
God’s Party!
People (church members) often get really excited at opening night of an evangelistic series. The crowd, the new speaker, the backdrop, and all the busyness of getting people registered, greeted, announced, etc. The excitement is truly there. And for many people, the excitement wears off rather quickly because they stop coming. But for me, the… Read More »
The Goal isn’t Wet People, but Disciples of Jesus
Evangelism is great, but the goal isn’t to get people baptized. The goal, rather, is to bring new people into the process of full devotion to Christ and His cause. Once people are baptized because they’ve accepted the gospel message, can we turn them into definitely devoted disciples? The church must have a discipleship plan.… Read More »
Evangelism 2.0, pt. 2
Yesterday I talked about Evangelism 2.0: Evangelism for the Rest of Us. If you haven’t read that post, I encourage you to back up and read that one first. Once when I was presenting this information to my church, a friend and member decided to take me up on this and started making friends. But somehow… Read More »