The whole goal of EvangeLead is to help other churches be as effective as the other churches we’ve coach in the areas of outreach and leadership. Our Founder, Roger Walter, has been able to show that effective ministry happens when a church decides it wants to reach the community with the gospel. And when that happens, along with some very distinct things to do it right, then evangelism actually happens.
You can find many of those things in the videos on this site, in the Evangelism Kits on this site, and in getting involved in our coaching.
We just got off a phone call with other leaders beginning to put together the 2024 Propel Conference in April and early May. You don’t want to miss this event. However, on this phone call, we were talking about outreach, church growth and how to help churches catch that vision.
Everyone on the call determined that the only replicating thing on the list of topics we could talk about was public evangelism. There are many other good things to do to help a church grow, yet most – if not all – of those things have never shown themselves to work in almost every situation like public evangelism has. Interesting.
Do you want your ministry to grow? Then you need to understand the science of salvation and soul winning. Want to join the coaching process – click on the contact page and send us a note. We can help replicate success.
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