Planning Kit:
Bar Code Tickets/Scanner Kit:
Delegation Kit:
Delegation - Blank
Delegation - Greeters 2008-10-02
Delegation Worksheet - CLOSING NIGHTLY
Delegation Worksheet - OPENING NIGHTLY
Evangelism Team Boundaries
Ministry Area Descriptions BLANK 1.0
Ministry Master Matrix
Reaping Meetings List of Jobs
Sign In Sheets Ticket Num
USHERS - Delegation Worksheet
Advertising Places:
Measurement Kit:
Master Reaping Attendance
Measurements - Reaping Outcomes List
Follow-up Kit:
Bible Marking Kit:
01 Bible Marking Instructions
Bible Marking Week 1 - 2nd Coming
Bible Marking Week 2 - The Bible
Bible Marking Week 3 - The Law
Bible Marking Week 4 - The Sabbath
Bible Marking Week 5 - 2nd Coming Signs
Bible Marking Week 6 - The 1st day texts
Bible Marking Week 7 -How To Identify a Cult
Bible Marking Week 8 - Sabbath-Keeping
Bible Marking Week 9 - State of the Dead
Bible Marking Week 10 - Destruction of the Wicked - Hell - after changes
KJV Bible Marking Week 11 - Tithes-Offerings
KJV Bible Marking Week 12 - Origin of Evil
KJV Bible Marking Week 13 - Judgment
KJV Bible Marking Week 14 - Prayer Principles
KJV Bible Marking Week 15 - Millenium